Want to be a 'true fintech'? Accept crypto


“There is clear and present user demand for cryptocurrencies and digital assets, and we’ve seen incumbents like PayPal and Square position themselves as enablers of these assets by offering hundreds of millions of users the ability to access crypto with a familiar buying experience.

That said, I don’t expect these enablers will be at the forefront of creating the new financial systems, applications, and assets that can disrupt how individuals access financial services. Companies without a plan for crypto will risk being phased out of a new market structure defined by velocity, efficient use of capital and open access for anyone."
— John Wu, president of Ava Labs

Link to post here.


SafeMoon Raises $1m for Crypto Exchange As Price Tumbles 60% From All-Time High


Billionaire investor Mike Novogratz says dogecoin's record-breaking surge is even more 'bizarre' than GameStop mania